CV of Christopher J. Paradise

Department of Biology, P.O. Box 7118
Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28035-7118
office: (704) 894-2890


  • Ph.D., 1997, Biology: The Pennsylvania State University. Abiotic and Biotic Factors Controlling the Structure of Insect Treehole Communities
  • M.A., 1989, Biology: State University of New York at Binghamton. Physiological & Behavioral Consequences for Chinese Praying Mantids When Encountering Variable Prey
  • B.S., 1986, Biology, w/ chemistry minor: State University of New York at Albany


  • July 2018-present: Chair of Biology, Davidson College
  • August 2014-present: Professor of Biology and Core Faculty in Environmental Studies, Davidson College
  • August 2011-August 2014: Associate Professor of Biology and Core Faculty in Environmental Studies, Davidson College
  • August 2006-August 2014: Associate Professor of Biology, Davidson College
  • August 2000-August 2006: Assistant Professor of Biology, Davidson College
  • August 1998-May 2000: Assistant Professor of Biology, Director of Environmental Studies, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA
  • January 1998-August 1998: Instructor, The Pennsylvania State University
  • September 1997-August 1998: Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Dr. William Dunson, PSU
  • 1995-1997:  Research Assistant with Dr. William Dunson, PSU
  • 1994:  Teaching Assistant, PSU
  • 1990-1994:  Laboratory Coordinator, PSU – Responsible for logistics of all introductory biology labs, including supervision of TAs, design of exercises, & maintenance of equipment
  • 1989:  Research Assistant with Dr. Nancy Stamp, SUNY Binghamton
  • 1986-1989:  Teaching Assistant, SUNY Binghamton


At Davidson College:

  • Spring 2017: BIO 217: Insects and People
  • Spring 2014, 2016: BIO 366/ANT 382 – Renewable Natural Resources: Science and Policy (team-taught with E. Lozada)
  • Spring 2013: ENV 201 – Introductory Environmental Science, w/ B. Johnson
  • Annually from 2013: BIO 114 – Integrated Concepts of Biology II
  • 12 times from Fall 2001- Fall 2018: Bio 321 – Ecology Lecture and Laboratory
  • 4 times from 2006-2013: Bio 317 – Entomology Lecture and Laboratory
  • 4 times from 2001-2013: Bio 367 – Ecotoxicology Seminar
  • Fall 2011, 2017 – Resident Director, Davidson College Semester-in-India (4 courses, including Conservation of India’s Biodiversity, India Environment and Ecology, Urban India).
  • Spring 2005, 2009, 2015: Bio 256 or 352 – Insect Community Ecology or Applied Insect Ecology (title varies for this group investigation course)
  • Fall 2007 and 2008: CIS 171 – Introductory Environmental Studies (team-taught interdisciplinary course)
  • Fall 2000, 2002: Bio 315 – Invertebrate Zoology Lecture and Laboratory
  • 10 times from 2001-2012: Bio 112 – Organisms, Evolution, and Ecosystems, Lecture and Laboratory
  • Spring & Fall 2002, Fall 2005: Bio 103 – Issues in Environmental Biology, non-science majors

For the Charlotte Teacher’s Institute:

  • 2015: Seminar on Integrating Concepts in the Life Sciences
  • 2010: Seminar on Environmental Sustainability: Science, Society, and Solutions

At King’s College, as a Postdoctoral Fellow or Graduate Student:

  • Summer 2000: Woods, Water, & Wildlife: Integrating Environmental Standards in Teaching
  • Spring 2000: Environmental Science Lecture and Laboratory (environmental geology), General Biology Laboratory, Introduction to Environmental Science Lecture and Laboratory
  • Fall 1999: Ecosystems Lecture and Lab (senior ecology course), Environmental Science Lecture and Lab
  • Spring 1999: Environmental Science Lecture and Lab (environmental geology), Biology Seminar, Supervised Research
  • Fall 1998: Environmental Science Lecture and Lab, Introductory Biology I, Natural Science (required course for non-science majors)
  • Summer 1998: Principles of Biology and Biodiversity, The Pennsylvania State University.
  • Spring 1998: Ecotoxicology, The Pennsylvania State University
  • 1990-1994: Taught laboratory sections of Introductory Biology, The Pennsylvania State University
  • 1986-1989:  Courses taught as a Teaching Assistant at SUNY Binghamton included Community Ecology, Zoology, Ecology, Introduction to Biology II, and Introduction to Biology II Lab


During the 19 years I have been on the faculty at Davidson College I have mentored approximately 60 biology and environmental studies undergraduates in Independent Studies, Group Investigations, Honors Theses, and Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Theses.  These experiences were anywhere from one semester to two years in length and have led to 13 publications and numerous presentations at meetings, with more manuscripts in preparation or in review.

REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (*indicates undergraduate author):

  1. Paradise CJ, *Penev D, *Yu P, Grant D, Stanback M (2016) Accumulation of non-target arthropods on sticky tree bands. Journal of the NC Academy of Science. 132(1):1-5. doi: 10.7572/JNCAS-D-1500002.1.
  2. *Harvey, C, Eshleman K, Koo K, Smith K, Paradise CJ, Campbell AM (2016) Encouragement for faculty to implement Vision and Change. CBE – Life Sciences Education 15(4) es7. doi: 10.1187/cbe.16-03-0127.
  3. Wagner JD, Campbell AM, Sly BJ, Paradise CJ (2015) An active textbook converts “Vision and Tweak” to Vision and Change. CourseSource.
  4. Paradise CJ, *Madden M, *Hedley L (2015) Assessment of beetle and bug diversity in extensively managed cattle farms of varying cattle density, sward height and surrounding land use. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 39(1):19-40. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2014.933152,
  5. *McCullough CM, *Worthington C, Paradise CJ (2013) Using digital macrophotography to measure biodiversity, identify insects and enhance outreach and education. American Entomologist 59(3):176-182.
  6. Barsoum MJ, Sellers P, Campbell AM, Heyer LJ, Paradise CJ (2013) Implementing recommendations for introductory biology by writing a new textbook. CBE – Life Sciences Education 12 (2013): 1–11. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.12-06-0086.
  7. Blue JD*, Goldberg J*, Hawkins K, and Paradise CJ (2011) Do local conditions trump spatial factors within a simulated treehole community? Trends in Entomology 7:1-17.
  8. Smith L*, Blue JD*, Carlson J*, Metz G, Haywood J*, Bush D* and Paradise CJ (2009) Density-dependent predation of a dominant species does not facilitate increased diversity in treeholes. The Open Ecology Journal 2:91-99. doi: 10.2174/1874213000902010091.
  9. Paradise CJ, Blue JD*, Burkhart JQ*, Goldberg J*, Harshaw L*, Hawkins K, Kegan B*, Kittinger B*, Krentz T, Smith L*, and Villalpando S (2008) Local and regional factors influence the structure of treehole metacommunities. BMC Ecology 8:22.
  10. Burkhart JQ*, Smith L*, Villalpando S, and Paradise CJ (2007) Scirtid beetles, leaf litter, and treeholes: Is there evidence of facilitation in the field. Southeastern Naturalist 6(4):597-614.
  11. Paradise CJ, Burkhart JQ*, Chrisawn C*, Harshaw L*, Kittinger B*, and Smith L* (2007) Prior occupation by scirtid beetles does not affect mosquito and midge populations in treeholes. Journal of Negative Results 4:15-22.
  12. Paradise CJ (2007) The Weather Makers: Book Review. Bioscene: The Journal of College Biology Teaching 33(2):26-27.
  13. Harshaw L*, Chrisawn C*, Kittinger B*, Carlson J*, Metz G, Smith L*, and Paradise CJ (2007) Decaying invertebrate carcasses increase growth of Aedes triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae) when leaf litter resources are limiting. Journal of Medical Entomology 44(4):589-596.
  14. Harlan NP* and Paradise CJ (2006) Habitat size and shape modify abiotic factors and communities in artificial treeholes. Community Ecology 7(2):211-222.
  15. Chemotti DC*, Davis SN, Cook LW, Willoughby IR, Paradise CJ, and Lom B (2006) The pesticide malathion disrupts Xenopus and zebrafish morphogenesis: An investigative laboratory in developmental toxicology. BioScene: Journal of College Biology Teaching 32(3):4-19.
  16. Cook LW*, Paradise CJ, and Lom B (2005) The pesticide Malathion reduces growth and survival in the development of zebrafish, Danio rerio. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:1745-1750.
  17. Paradise CJ (2004) Relationship of water and leaf litter variability to insects inhabiting treeholes. Journal of the North American Benthological Soc. 23(4):793-805.
  18. Gage M*, Spivak A* & Paradise CJ (2004) Effects of land use and disturbance on benthic insects in headwater streams draining small watersheds north of Charlotte, NC. Southeastern Naturalist 3(2):345-358.
  19. Paradise CJ (2001) A standardized soil ecotoxicological test using red worms (Eisenia fetida). The American Biology Teacher 63:504-510.
  20. *Wynn G & Paradise CJ (2001) Effects of microcosm scaling and food resources on growth and survival of larval Culex pipiens. BMC Ecology 2001 1:3
  21. Paradise CJ (2000) Effects of pH and resources on a processing chain interaction in simulated treeholes. Journal of Animal Ecology 69:651-658.
  22. Paradise CJ (1999) Interactive effects of resources and a processing chain interaction in treehole habitats. Oikos 85:529-535.
  23. Paradise CJ & *Kuhn K (1999) Effects of pH and leaf litter quantity on scirtid beetles inhabiting treeholes. Freshwater Biology 41:43-49.
  24. *Baltzley M, Paradise CJ & Dunson WA (1999) Interactive effects of density and water sodium concentration on larvae inhabiting treeholes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 14:113-124.
  25. Paradise CJ & Dunson WA (1998). Effects of sodium concentration on mosquitoes and micro-organisms in treeholes. Journal of Medical Entomology 35:839-844.
  26. Paradise CJ (1998) Colonization and development of insects in simulated treehole habitats with distinct resource and pH regimes. Ecoscience 5:39-45.
  27. Paradise CJ & Dunson WA (1998) Relationship of atmospheric deposition to the water chemistry and biota of treehole habitats. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17:362-368.
  28. Dunson WA, Paradise CJ & Dunson D (1998) The inhibitory effect of low salinity on growth and reproduction of the estuarine sheepshead minnow. Copeia 1998:235-239.
  29. Paradise CJ & Dunson WA (1997) Effects of water cations on insect treehole communities. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 90:798-805.
  30. Dunson WA, Paradise CJ & Van Fleet RL (1997) Patterns of water chemistry and fish occurrence in wetlands of hydric pine flatwoods. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 12:553-565.
  31. Paradise CJ & Dunson WA (1997) Effects of pH and sulfate on insects and protozoans inhabiting treeholes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33:182-187.
  32. Paradise CJ & Dunson WA (1997) Insect species interactions and resource effects in treeholes: are helodid beetles bottom-up facilitators of midge populations?  Oecologia 109:303-312.
  33. Paradise CJ & Cyr RJ (1994) Carbon dioxide uptake in plants: A computer-aided experimental system. In Goldman CA (ed) Tested studies for laboratory teaching, Vol 16.  Proceedings of the 16th Workshop of A.B.L.E., pp. 99-114.
  34. Paradise CJ & Stamp NE (1993) Episodes of unpalatable prey reduce consumption and growth of juvenile praying mantids. Journal of Insect Behavior 6:155-166.
  35. Paradise CJ & Stamp NE (1991a) Prey recognition time of praying mantids and consequent survivorship of unpalatable prey. Journal of Insect Behavior 4:265-273.
  36. Paradise CJ & Stamp NE (1991b) Abundant prey can alleviate previous adverse effects on growth of juvenile praying mantids (Mantidae). Ann. Entomological Soc. Am. 84:396-406.
  37. Stamp NE, *Erskine T & Paradise CJ (1991) Effects of rutin-fed caterpillars on an invertebrate predator depend on temperature. Oecologia 88:289-295.
  38. Paradise CJ & Stamp NE (1990) Variable quantities of toxic diet cause different degrees of compensatory and inhibitory responses by juvenile praying mantids. Entomologia experimentis et applicata 55:213-222.



  1. Campbell AM, Heyer LJ, Paradise CJ (2018) Integrating Concepts in Biology, 2018 edition. publisher. Portsmouth, NH.
  2. Campbell AM, Heyer LJ, Paradise CJ (2018) Integrating Concepts in Biology, 2nd Edition. publisher. Portsmouth, NH.
  3. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Cell Structure and Function. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509951.
  4. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Cellular Consequences of Evolution. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509876.
  5. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Cellular Respiration. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509975.
  6. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Using DNA Information to Make Proteins. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749170.
  7. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Evolution of Eukaryotes. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509999.
  8. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) The Source of Genetic Information. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749156.
  9. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Neurons and Muscles. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749088.
  10. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Evolution and Origin of Cells. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749019.
  11. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Reproduction and Cell Division. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749132.
  12. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Molecular Structure and Function. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749057.
  13. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Animal Physiology. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509852.
  14. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Cell Networks. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509890.
  15. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Molecular Switches. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749033.
  16. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Photosynthesis. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749095.
  17. Campbell, AM & Paradise, CJ (2016) Plant Physiology. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781944749118.
  18. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Behavior and Information Exchange. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509500.
  19. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Cells in Tissues. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509524.
  20. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Ecological Dynamics. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509586.
  21. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Evolutionary History. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509661.
  22. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Evolution of Interactions in Communities. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509685.
  23. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Effects of Genetic and Pathogenic Diseases on Cells. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509623.
  24. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Information in the Environment. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509708.
  25. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Mechanisms of Evolution. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509722.
  26. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Variation and Population Genetics. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509487.
  27. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Properties in and of Populations. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509784.
  28. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Ecological Homeostasis. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509548.
  29. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Ecological Interactions. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509562.
  30. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Emergent Properties of Individual Organisms. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509647.
  31. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Organismal Homeostasis. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509746.
  32. Paradise, CJ & Campbell, AM (2016) Population Homeostasis. Part of STEM 2016 Digital Library List. New York: Momentum Press. ISBN: 9781606509760.
  33. 5. Campbell AM, Heyer LJ, Paradise CJ (2014) Integrating Concepts in Biology. publisher. Portsmouth, NH.
  34. 4. Cyr RJ, Leicht BG & Paradise CJ (1994) A Laboratory Manual for Biology 110: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity. University Press Publications, State College, PA.
  35. 3. Cyr RJ & Paradise CJ (1994) Experimental Biology II. Press Publ., State College, PA.
  36. 2. Paradise CJ (1994) Exploring Biology: A Lab Manual. Univ. Press Publ., State College, PA.
  37. 1. Cyr RJ & Paradise CJ (1993) Experimental Biology I. Press Publ., State College, PA.

PAPERS and SEMINARS PRESENTED (last 18 years; *indicates undergraduate):

  • Nov. 10, 2018: 2018 Professional Development Conference of NABT. Poster: “Active learning in AP and intro biology textbooks,” annual meeting of NABT, w/ A.M. Campbell (lead presenter), B. Finby, L. Heyer.
  • Nov. 10, 2018: 2018 Professional Development Conference of NABT. Workshop: “Introductory biology can teach your students to think and communicate like scientists,” w/ A.M. Campbell, L. Heyer, E. Forrester.
  • Sep. 27, 2018: Francis Marion University Biology Department. Invited Talk: “Redesigning the curriculum: V&C, PULSE, and Davidson.”
  • Apr. 13, 2018: “Specific conductivity and benthic macroinvertebrate communities in headwater streams in the Piedmont of North Carolina,” w/ *H. Mase (lead presenter), *P. Whitehouse, *F. Parrott, B.G. Johnson.
  • Apr. 13, 2018: “Flashiness of headwater streams within the context of seasonal changes in evapotranspiration and differing land use,” w/ *P. Whitehouse (lead presenter), *H. Mase, *F. Parrott, B.G. Johnson.
  • Nov. 14, 2017: Panel Discussion on Exploring the Contours of Environmental Justice in India and the US, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, India. “Environmental Justice for Animals”
  • Mar. 2017: 66th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, Richmond, VA. “The effect of flashiness on macroinvertebrate populations in 1st order streams near Davidson, NC,” w/ *C Morris (presenter), *C. Reilly, B. Johnson.
  • Nov. 2016: 2016 Professional Development Conference of NABT. “A Vision for Changing Introductory Biology with Mathematical Models,”, w/ AM Campbell and L Heyer (lead presenter).
  • Jun. 25, 2016: “Recent trends and advancements in undergraduate STEM education in the United States,” Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, India.
  • Jun. 1-4, 2016: Poster: “Integrating Concepts in Biology Provides the Change for the Vision” and workshop “Put DIBS (Data in Biological Sciences) in Classes,” Southeast Regional PULSE (Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education) Institute, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC. w/ AM Campbell and L Heyer.
  • Jan. 7, 2016: Viable Synergies in Mathematical & Natural Sciences, Women’s Christian College Centenary Int’l Conference, Chennai, India. Invited Talk: “Recent trends and advancements in undergraduate STEM education in the United States, with a focus on biology education.”
  • Aug. 13, 2015: 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD. “Teaching ecological concepts using a digital text and a flipped approach: Assessment of engagement and skills acquisition.”
  • Aug. 28, 2013: Vision and Change: Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education: Chronicling Change, Inspiring the Future. “Implementing Vision & Change in introductory biology using a new textbook.” Presenter CJ Paradise, w/ AM Campbell, LJ Heyer, P Sellers, M Barsoum.
  • Apr. 10, 2013:  74th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Charleston, WV. “Effects of surrounding land use patterns and floral diversity on insect pollinator abundance and biodiversity.” Presenter *C Worthington, w/ *R Spalding, *CM McCullough, CJ Paradise.  Winner of Elsie Quarterman-Catherine Keever Award of SE Chapter of the Ecological Society of America for the best ecological poster presented by a student at the annual meeting.
  • Apr. 10, 2013:  74th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Charleston, WV. “Using digital macrophotography to measure biodiversity, identify insects and enhance outreach and education.” Presenter *CM McCullough, w/ *C Worthington, CJ Paradise.
  • Aug. 6-10, 2012:  97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR. “Improving critical thinking in introductory college biology courses.” Presenter: CJ Paradise, w/ AM Campbell, LJ Heyer, P Sellers, MJ Barsoum.
  • Aug. 6-10, 2012:  97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR. “Assessment of beetle and bug diversity in low input cattle farms of varying cattle density and surrounding land use.” Presenter: CJ Paradise w/ *M Madden, *L Hedley, *R Clemente, *J Kim.
  • Apr. 5, 2012: 73rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Athens, GA. “Improving critical thinking in introductory college biology courses.” Presenter: CJ Paradise, w/ AM Campbell, LJ Heyer, PJ Sellers, MJ Barsoum.
  • Apr. 5, 2012: 73rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Athens, GA.  “Assessment of beetle and bug diversity in low input cattle farms of varying cattle density and surrounding land use.” Presenter: CJ Paradise, w/ M Madden*, L Hedley*, R Clemente*, J Kim*.
  • Jul. 20-23, 2011: ASCB Student-Centered Education in the Molecular Life Sciences, University of Richmond , Richmond, VA.  “Integrating concepts in biology: an interdisciplinary approach to introductory biology,” Special session on HHMI & Integrated Science Curricula.  Presenter: C. J. Paradise.  W/ Am Campbell, L J Heyer.
  • July 29-31, 2011: “Integrating Concepts in Biology Utilizes the First Principles of Learning.”  SABER Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Presenter: AM Campbell. w/LJ Heyer, CJ Paradise, MJ Barsoum, PJ Sellers.
  • Sept. 30, 2011: Ethiaraj College, Chennai, India. “Biodiversity and the environment: India and the United States”
  • Oct 25, 2011: Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India. “Biodiversity and the environment: India and the United States”
  • Apr. 2010: 71st Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, “Integrated Systems Biology,” w/AM Campbell, LJ Heyer.
  • Dec. 14, 2009: Video Conference Presentation at University of Debrecen, Hungary and Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest, Hungary. “Systems Biology Education,” Presenter: AM Campbell w/ LJ Heyer, CJ Paradise.
  • Dec. 5-9, 2009: American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.  “Mathematics Plus Biology Equals Improved Curriculum,” Presenter: AM Campbell w/ LJ Heyer, CJ Paradise.
  • Jul. 2009: AAAS Meeting, Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education, Washington, DC, “Integrated Systems Biology,” w/ LJ Heyer (co-presenter) & AM Campbell.
  • Feb. 2009: AAAS Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, “Lost and Found: Integrating Math and Biology in the First-Year Curriculum,” w/ LJ Heyer (presenter) & AM Campbell.
  • Apr. 2008: 69th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, “Colonization and community dynamics in a simulated treehole metacommunity,” w/ J Blue*, B Brewer*, D Bush*, C Castillo*, J Goldberg*, K Hawkins*, J Haywood*, T Krentz.*
  • Apr. 2008: 69th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, “Local and regional factors influence the structure of treehole metacommunities,” w/ J Blue*, JQ Burkhart*, L Harshaw*, L Smith*.
  • Jul. 2007: 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Environmental Association meeting, Portland, ME, “The effect of greenway establishment on environmental attitudes and stream health,” w/ K Devoy*, S. Tonidandel.
  • Apr. 2007: 68th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Columbia, SC, “A comparative analysis of microbial diversity in simulated aquatic treehole ecosystems,” w/ C Chrisawn*, M Chang*, D Wessner, D Glick.
  • Apr. 2007: 68th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Columbia, SC, “Colonization and community dynamics in a simulated treehole metacommunity,” w/ J Blue*, B Brewer*, C Castillo*, J Goldberg*, K Hawkins*, T Krentz.*
  • Aug. 2006: 91st Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN, “Effects of a top predator on insect communities in treeholes,” w/ L Smith*, J Carlson*, G Metz.
  • Apr. 2006: 67th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN, “Effects of a top predator on insect communities in treeholes,” w/ L Smith*, J Carlson*, G Metz
  • Sep. 2005: 7th Annual Southern Appalachian Conference on Arthropod Biology, Asheville, NC, “Bottom-up and top-down effects on insect communities in treeholes,” with co-authors JQ Burkhart*, L Smith*, B Kegan*, S Villalpando, J Carlson*, G Metz*, L Harshaw*, and C Chrisawn*
  • Aug. 2005: 90th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America, Montreal, Quebec, “Scirtid beetles, resource levels, and insect assemblages: investigating processing chains and community structure in treeholes,” with co-authors JQ Burkhart (lead presenter)*, L Smith*, S Villalpando, B Kegan*.
  • Nov. 2004: 2004 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America.  Invited speaker in Symposium on Using Principles of Ecology to Understand Populations and Communities of Container Mosquitoes. “Preliminary assessment of the effects of resources and processing chains on mosquito species richness and abundance in simulated treeholes,” with co-authors JQ Burkhart*, B Kegan*, and S Villalpando*.
  • Nov. 2004: Invited Seminar Speaker at Western Carolina University, Department of Biology.  “Resources, beetles, and mosquitoes: effects of resources and processing chains on mosquito species richness and abundance in treeholes.”
  • Apr. 2004: 65th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Memphis, TN, “Malathion causes earlier hatching and stunted growth in developing zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio,” with co-authors L Cook*, lead presenter, and B Lom.
  • Mar. 2004: 101st Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences, Salisbury, NC, “Bottom-up effects on processing chains in treehole communities,” with JQ Burkhart*, lead presenter.
  • Mar. 2004: 101st Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences, Salisbury, NC, “Relationship between resource use and environmental studies curricula at southeast US colleges,” with C Hartridge*, lead presenter.
  • Mar. 2004: 101st Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences, Salisbury, NC, “Effects of abiotic factors on insects and microbes in artificial treeholes,” with NP Harlan*, lead presenter.
  • Sep. 2003: 5th Annual Southern Appalachian Conference on Arthropod Biology, Boone, NC, “Relationships among habitat size, dissolved oxygen, and aquatic insects in treeholes,” with co-authors *NP Harlan and *JQ Burkhart.
  • Aug. 2003: 88th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America, Savannah, GA, “Relationships among habitat size, dissolved oxygen, insects, and microbes in treehole communities,” with co-author *NP Harlan.
  • Apr. 2003: Faculty Research Group, Davidson College “Effects of land use on aquatic insects in headwater streams.”
  • Apr. 2002: Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Boone, NC, “Effect of land use and development on insects in streams north of Charlotte, NC,” with M Gage* and A Spivak*.
  • Nov. 2001: Annual Meeting of Sigma Xi, Raleigh, NC, “Effects of land use on insects in streams north of Charlotte, NC,” with undergraduate M Gage* as primary author.
  • Sep. 2001: UNC-Charlotte Biology Department, “Control of community structure by abiotic and biotic factors”
  • Aug. 2001: 86th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America, Madison, WI, “A laboratory exercise using a standardized soil ecotoxicological test”
  • Oct. 2000: Davidson College, Department of Biology, “Interactive effects of habitat size and food abundance on growth of larval mosquitoes”
  • Apr. 2000: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, Reading, PA, “Effects of trout dams on aquatic insect biodiversity,” with *Nicole Toto and *John Nealon
  • Apr. 2000: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, Reading, PA, “Complex interactions in simulated soil ecosystems,” with David Glick
  • Apr. 2000: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, Reading, PA, “Bioassessment of Bowman Creek watershed using benthic macroinvertebrates,” with *J. Tenbus and *Y. Szacki
  • Jan. 2000: Invited talk, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, “Interactive effects of resources, pH, and processing chains in treeholes”


  • October 2015-October 2016: Duke Energy, “Understanding Connections between Discharge, Chemistry, and Ecology in First Order Piedmont Streams,” $55,410 (w/ Brad Johnson).
  • August 2013-July2015: President’s Innovation Fund, Davidson College, “Locating and Predicting Hotspots of Cankerworms: A College, Town, & Conservancy Collaboration,” $14,011.
  • January 2013: National Science Foundation, Division of Environmental Biology pre-proposal “Preliminary Proposal: RUI: Pollinator biodiversity in parks, preserves, and greenways embedded in a changing urban landscape,” Not invited for full proposal.
  • May 2012-Aug. 2012: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “Creating a Digital Collection of Pollinating Insects” $3,500.
  • October 2012: The Lawrence Foundation, “Pollinator diversity in preserves embedded in a changing landscape,” declined.
  • March 2012: Mazda Foundation, “Pollinator diversity in preserves embedded in a changing landscape,” declined
  • May 2011-Aug. 2011: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “The Effect of Cattle Density and Sward Height on the Diversity and Abundance of Coleoptera and Hemiptera on North Carolina grass-fed beef farms” $3,500.
  • May 2011-Aug. 2011: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Summer Research Program, “Effects of Sustainable Agriculture & Land Use on Insect Biodiversity, an Indicator of Ecosytem health” $7,750.
  • May 2010-Aug. 2010: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “Insect Biodiversity on North Carolina Farms: A Field Project on Local Farms Near Davidson, NC” $3,500.
  • Fall 2009: Davidson Research Initiative, Faculty Development Award, “Insect Biodiversity on North Carolina Farms” Course load reduction for 2010-2011 AY.
  • June 2006: Associated Colleges of the South Environmental Program, Curriculum and Faculty Development, “Designing an Introductory Environmental Studies Course for Davidson College” $3,000 (w/ Dave Martin and Pat Peroni).
  • June 2006: Associated Colleges of the South Environmental Program, Curriculum and Faculty Development, “Designing a Senior-Level Environmental Studies Course for Davidson College” $3,000 (w/ Dave Martin and Pat Peroni).
  • June 2006: Associated Colleges of the South, ACS Small Grant, Curriculum and Faculty Development, “Designing Two Environmental Studies Courses for Davidson College” $500 (w/ Dave Martin and Pat Peroni).
  • May 2006-Aug. 2006: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “Institutional matching funds for NSF-RUI grant” $3,200.
  • May 2005-Aug. 2005: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “Institutional matching funds for NSF-RUI grant” $3,200.
  • March 2005: Associated Colleges of the South Environmental Program, Campus as a Laboratory for Sustainability, “Earth Month at Davidson College: A Celebration of Green,” $1,200.
  • Aug 2003-Aug 2006: National Science Foundation, Research at Undergraduate Institutions grant (DEB #0315208), “RUI: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Influences on Processing Chain Interactions in Detritus-Based Communities,” $200,000.
  • May 2003-Dec. 2003: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “Microbial and invertebrate interactions in water-filled treehole communities,” $1,661.
  • Apr. 2002: Leadership in Service Learning Award, Community Service Office, Davidson College.
  • May 2002-Aug. 2002: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “Scaling Effects of Habitat Size on Aquatic Communities Within Water-Filled Treeholes,” $3,000.
  • May 2001-Aug. 2001: Faculty Study and Research Grant, Davidson College, “Effects of Stream Type on Aquatic Insects in the Catawba River Basin,” $2,994.
  • May 1999: Summer Research Stipend, King’s College (with D. Glick), “Interactions in Soil Ecosystems: Microbes, Phytotoxins, and Invertebrates,” $4,050.
  • Oct. 1994-Oct. 1998: Co-PI, Environmental Protection Agency grant (#R82-2298-010 – PI William A. Dunson), “Treehole communities as bioindicators of forest stemflow pollution and ecosystem stress,” $297,000.
  • Jan. 1994: Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction (with R. Cyr), $9,000.
  • Aug. 1992: Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction (with R. Cyr), $900.
  • Jun. 1988: Competitive Research Stipend, SUNY Binghamton, $1,000.


  • Nov. 2018 to present: Member of search committee for Dean Rusk International Studies Program Director
  • Oct. 21, 2018: Discover Davidson Open House: Presentation on “Biology at  Davidson: hands-on experiences in the class, laboratory, and field” and gave tour of Wall Academic Center
  • Aug. 15, 2018: Panel participant on informational session for International Student Pre-Orientation
  • Jul. 2018 to present: Chair, Biology Department
  • Jul. 2018 to present: Human Resources Advisory Committee
  • Aug. 2015 to Jul. 2018: Advisory Council on Finance, Personnel, and Development
  • Aug. 2013 to 2015: Chair, Educational Technology Committee
  • Aug. 2009 to present: Charlotte Teacher’s Institute – University Advisory Council
  • Aug. 2008 to present: Chair, Elmer Brown Environmental Sites Fund Committee
  • Aug. 2009 to May 2013:  Academic Computing Committee
  • Aug. 2009 to Mar. 2010: Climate Action Plan Administrative Policy Team
  • Aug. 2009 to Mar. 2010: Strategic Plan Implementation Team 3, Center for Civic Engagement
  • Aug. 2007 to May 2012: Teacher Education Committee
  • Aug. 2004 to present: Grant Travel Award Committee, Biology Department
  • Apr. 2008 to May 2010: President’s Sustainability Council/Committee
  • Aug. 2004 to May 2010:  Faculty Representative for the Morris K. Udall Foundation Scholarship
  • Aug. 2007 to Aug. 2008: Environmental Studies Working Group
  • Aug. 2006 to May 2008: Faculty Advisor to the Environmental Action Coalition
  • Aug. 2004 to May 2008: ACS (Associated Colleges of the South) Environmental Faculty Fellow
  • Oct. 2003 to Aug. 2004: Joint Committee on Information Technology
  • Aug. 2002 to May 2005: Library Committee
  • Aug. 2002 to Jan. 2003: Faculty/Staff Retreat Committee
  • Aug. 2001 to Aug. 2009: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
  • Mar. 2001 to present: Department of Biology Web Server Administrator


  • Jan. 2018 to present: Member, National Association of Biology Teachers
  • Jan. 2002 to present: Member, Association of Southeastern Biologists
  • 2001 to 2005: Member, North American Benthological Society
  • 1994-present: Member, Ecological Society of America
  • 1991-1995:  Member, Nat’l Assoc. Biological Teachers and Assoc. for Biology Lab. Education
  • 2012-2018: Editor, International Journal of Biodiversity, an open-access journal.


  • Reviewed manuscripts for following journals:
    • American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, Annals of the Entomological Society of America (>3), Aquatic Toxicology, Archives für Hydrobiologie, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (>3), Biologia, Biotropica, Canadian Journal of Zoology (>5), Ecology and Ecological Monographs (>2), Ecological Entomology (2), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2), Functional Ecology, Hydrobiologia (1), International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation (1), International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (1), Journal of Animal Ecology (>2), Journal of the North American Benthological Society (>2), Journal of Vector Ecology (>2), Aquatic Microbial Ecology, American Midland Naturalist (>2), Journal of Medical Entomology (>4), Oikos, Wetlands, Science of the Total Environment.
  • Reviewed 1-3 chapters for the following textbooks:
    • Marris E, Perkins A. One Earth: Environmental Science in an Age of Change. Ben Roberts & Co.
    • Daly HV, Doyen JT, Purcell AH, III, Whitfield JB (2012) Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press.
    • Gullan PJ, Cranston PS (2010) The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 4th edition, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
    • Molles M (2008) Ecology: Concepts and Applications, 4th edition, McGraw Hill
    • Camill P. Environmental Science, W.H. Freeman & Co.
    • Stiling P. Ecology: Theories and Applications, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, Boston
    • Temeles EJ. Ecology and the Use of Resources: Concepts and Applications, Prentice Hall, Boston
    • Friedman A, Jones R, Weisberg S. Environmental Science: People and the Natural World, W.H. Freeman & Co.
  • External Reviewer, National Science Foundation:
    • Panelist at March 2013 DEB-Ecology Program pre-proposal reviews (reviewed 20 pre-proposals)
    • Panelist at April 2004 DEB-Ecology Program proposal reviews (reviewed 15 proposals)
    • Ad Hoc reviewer for the DEB-Ecology Program (10 total reviews)
    • DBS: Division of Molecular and Cell Biology (1)
    • International Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers (1)
    • RUI Program (2)
    • Dissertation Improvement (1)


  • Oct. 2018: External reviewer for Macalester College Department of Biology
  • Oct. 2018: Guest lecturer for Dr. A. Merrill’s Natural History course: “Insect observation, specimen collecting and preservation”
  • Sep. 2013: World of Wonder: Butterflies, an outreach program for the Davidson Lands Conservancy.
  • Jun. 2013: Basics of Entomology: an elective short course for Native Plant Certificate at UNCC Botanical Gardens.
  • 2013 to present: Development of websites for identification and conservation of insects.  Pollinators: .  General:  Cankerworms:
  • Dec. 2012 to present: Cankerworm assessment: a collaborative effort between The Entomology Lab, Davidson Lands Conservancy, and the Town of Davidson.  Includes several media stories about cankerworms, in, the Davidson Journal and Lake Norman News.
  • Jan. 2012 to Jun. 2012: Chair, Social Action Committee, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lake Norman, Davidson, NC.
  • Jun. 2007 to Jun. 2008: Chair, Social Justice Team, Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC.
  • Jan. 2007 to Jan. 2010: Board of Directors, Carolinas Clean Air Coalition, Charlotte, NC.
  • Insect Outreach: Routine identifications and consultations on insects.
  • 2003-2006: Davidson IB Middle School: Tutor for Science Olympiad Water Quality and Don’t Bug Me teams
  • Aug. 2003: World View Partners’ Workshop, Providence Day School, Charlotte – presented “Environmental Impact and the Future of Biosystems” to 100 Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District Magnet School teachers.
  • 2000: Board of Directors of the Riverfront Parks Committee, a non-profit organization committed to preserving two city parks near the Susquehanna River in Wilkes-Barre, PA.
  • 1999-2000: Technical Advisor to the Bowman Creek Watershed Association, Noxen, PA, advising on water quality monitoring and collecting data on benthic insect communities.